Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Which Dinosaur Will It Be?

 Thank you for letting me know which dinosaur is your favourite. This diary page shows you how many votes the different dinosaurs get. It will help me to remember them too. 

There is still time to let me know your favourite - or which dinosaurs you think would be good in the books. 

Here are the votes so far...

Tyranosaurus rex = 7

Spinosaurus = 1

Mosasaurus = 1 (not actually a dinosaur but they lived at the same time as dinosaurs so it's a great idea).

Pterodactyl = 1 (not actually a dinosaur either - but they too lived at the same time as dinosaurs so I am sure that they will be in the books.)

Monday, 15 January 2024

Help With Some New Books

Hi everyone... right now I'm just starting to work on some new books. They won't be huge books like Harry Potter, but they will be quite big and they will have a few chapters. 

There are going to be human characters in the books - some young and some old. There are also going to be some animals in the books. When I say animals, what I actually mean is dinosaurs. There are going to be lots of dinosaurs... They won't be cute dinosaurs like the ones in Slip and Slide and Rocky Ravine, that I wrote about last year - they are going to be real dinosaurs.

I'm not sure which dinosaurs will be in the books - so perhaps you can help me.

If you could travel back in time, what dinosaur would you like to see? 

Or, to make it even easier - what is your favourite dinosaur? 

Can you tell me what you like about it the most?